Street Art. French technical humour.
The place when I worked to earn money.
Around home : my views - Autour de chez moi : mes horizons
Near home. Gutters. Paris, and Paris.
a store plenty of Art books.
Near roofs, they are watching us.
The last urinal in Paris. The BIG smell, 100 feets around. A BIG( nose) memory.
Near "la santé", Artist's studios.
Hommage à l'un de mes écrivains favoris. Tribute for the Writter Queneau. A college.
BIG stone. Black quartz. "Jardin des plantes"
jardin des plantes. With animals.
Mosque, the Mosque of Paris.
It 's not a drugstore. Just fashion. Invasive Fashion.
les tuileries. For senators.
Delacroix (je crois - I presume)
Green Paris. Hidden Paris.
The Wall. Philippe Auguste - 1185 to 1223. Philippe II. Un Capétien, comme mon papa (moi, je suis mérovingien)
Behind the Panthéon. With head, under blanket.
Pause blabla. Qu'on me dit "assommant" (un lecteur du blog) ou "superficiel" (un Editeur). Maintenant, je balade mon touriste. Taking One.